基于对旧大陆多个果蝇类群的长期野外调查、形态分类、生态观察和生物地理学研究,以所发现的一些在形态/生态适应、繁殖行为上具代表性的类群/物种为对象,探究其在地理分布模式、繁殖行为以及与寄主植物间的互利互作上的特殊性及互作关系的形成和维持机制,解析其中涉及到的多型性表型(如芋果蝇卵丝的季节性多型、拱背果蝇属阳基侧突的多型性)的进化和维持机制。已发表论文50余篇(包括以第一/通讯作者发表在所在领域主流期刊如PNAS、Evolution、Mol Phylogenet Evol、BMC Evol Biol等上的论文),被引用660余次。
1)Xiao L, Li NN, Yang LK, Li JL,Gao JJ* (2022) Evolution of theColocasiomyiagiganteaspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae): Phylogeny, biogeography and shift of host use.Insects13, article 647
2)Gao JJ, Barmina O, Thompson A, Kim BY, Suvorov A, Tanaka K, Watabe H, Toda MJ, Chen JM, Katoh TK,Kopp A* (2022) Secondary reversion to sexual monomorphism associated with tissue-specific loss ofdoublesexexpression.Evolution76(9): 2089–2014
3)Toda MJ*, Takano KT, Katoh T, Xiao L,Gao JJ, Yafuso Masako (2022) Coexistance mechanism ofColocasiomyiaspecies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) sharing inflorescneces ofAlocasia odora(Araceae) as host plant: Comparison between two- and three-species systems.Entomological Science25(2):e12506
4)Xue XC, Jiao RJ, Yu L*,Gao JJ*(2022) A new species of theColocasiomyia giganteaspecies gorup (Diptera, Drosophilidae) breeding on inflorescences ofScindapsus ,ac;ireo(Araceae).Zootaxa5120(4):586–594
5)Wang YL, Lu JM,Gao JJ, Zang Y, Chen HW* (2022) Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the subgenusOxyphorticaDuda from the Oriental region (Diptera:Drosophilidae:Stegana).Systematic Entomology47:52–64
6)Takano KT,Gao JJ, Hu YG, Li NN, Yafuso M, Suwito A, Repin R, Pungga RS, Meleng PA, Kaliang H, Chong L, Toda MJ* (2021) Phylogeny, taxonomy and flower-breeding ecology of theColocasiomyia cristataspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with description of ten new species.Zootaxa5079(1): 1–70
7)Wang YL, Li Q, Toda MJ,Gao JJ* (2021) The genusDettopsomyiaLamb, 1914 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from southern China.ZooKeys1056:73–94.
8)Kim BY*, Wang JR, Miller DE, Barmina O, Delaney E, Thompson A, Comeault AA, Peede D, D’Agostino ERR, Pelaez J, Aguilar JM, Haji D, Matsunaga T, Armstrong EE, Zych M, Ogawa Y, Stamenković-Radak M, JelićM, VeselinovićMS, TanaskovićM, ErićP,Gao JJ, Katoh TK, Toda MJ, Watabe H, Watada M, Davis J, Moyle L, Manoli G, Bertolini E, Košťál V, Hawley RS, Takahashi A, Jones CD, Price DK, Whiteman N, Kopp A, Matute DR*, Petrov DA (2021) Highly contiguous assemblies of 101 drosophilid genomes.eLife2021;10:e66405.
9)Jiao RJ, Bai LH,Gao JJ* (2020) Descriptions of two new species of the genusColocasiomyia(Diptera, Drosophilidae) breeding onRhaphidophorahost plants in Yunnan, China.ZooKeys968: 127–141
10)Shi T, Toda MJ, Takano KT, Yafuso M, Suwito A, Wong SY, Shang SQ*,Gao JJ* (2019) A review of taxonomy and flower-breeding ecology of theColocasiomyia toshiokaispecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with description of a new species from Indonesia,European Journal of Entomology2019, 116: 341–361
11)Chen Yu, Katoh, TK,Gao JJ* (2019) TheHirtodrosohpila melanderispecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Huanglong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China,Zootaxa2019, 4623(1): 113–131
12)Katoh TK#, Zhang G#, MJ. Toda,Gao JJ* (2018) A revision of the subgenusDudaicaStrand of the genusDrosophilaFallén, with descriptions of six new species (Diptera, Drosophilidae),ZooKeys781: 19–50
13)Turelli Michael*, Cooper BS, Richardson KM, Ginsberg PS, Peckenpaugh B, Chenling X. Kim AKJ, May MR, Abrieux A, Wilson DA, Bronski MJ, Moore BR,Gao JJ, Eisen MB, Chiu JC, Conner WR, Hoffmann AA* (2018) Rapid global spread ofwRi-likeWolbachiaacross multipleDrosophila.Current Biology, 28: 1–9
14)Katoh TK#, Zhang G, Zhou CJ,Gao JJ*(2018) Taxonomy of theHirtodrosophila melanderispecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of four new species from southwestern China.Zootaxa, 2018, 4422(3): 345–365
15)Katoh TK#, Zhang G, Toda MJ, Zhang WX,Gao JJ*(2018) TheLordiphosadenticepsspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in China, with redescriptions of four known species and descriptions of nine new species,Zootaxa4471(1): 037–075
16)Yang JH, Toda MJ, Suwito A, Hashim R,Gao JJ*(2017) A new species group in the genus Dichaetophora, with descriptions of six new species from the Oriental region (Diptera, Drosophilidae),ZooKeys665: 121–146
17)Fu Z, Toda MJ, Li NN, Zhang YP,Gao JJ*(2016) A new genus of anthophilous drosophilids,Impatiophila(Diptera, Drosophilidae): morphology, DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny, with descriptions of thirty-nine new species,Zootaxa4120(1): 1–100
18)Ai SM,Gao JJ, Liu SQ, Fu YX* (2015) Efficient estimation of mutation rates during individual development by minimization of Chi-square.PLoS One10(8) e0135698
19)Chen JM,Gao JJ* (2015) A new species ofDrosophila obscuraspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from China.Zoological Systematics40(1): 70–78
20)Gao JJ#, Pan XR#, Hu J, Ma L, Wu JM, Shao YL, Ai SM, Liu SQ, Barton SA, Woodruff RC, Zhang YP*, Fu YX* (2014) Pattern of mutation rates in the germline ofDrosophila melanogastermales from a large-scale mutation screening experiment,G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics4: 1503–1514
21)Li NN, Toda MJ, Fu Z, Chen JM, Li SH,Gao JJ* (2014) Taxonomy of theColocasiomyia giganteaspecies group (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with descriptions of four new species from Yunnan, China,ZooKeys406: 41–64
22)Fartyal RS#,Gao JJ#, Toda MJ*, Hu YG, Takenaka TK, Awit S, Katoh T, Tomohiro T, Yin JT (2013)Colocasiomyia(Diptera: Drosophilidae) revised phylogenetically, with a new species group having peculiar life cycles on monsteroid (Araceae) host plant.Systematic Entomology38: 763–782
23)Li T,Gao JJ*, Lu JM, Ji XL, Chen HW* (2013) Phylogenetic relationship among East Asian species of theSteganagenus group (Diptera, Drosophilidae),Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution66: 412–416
24)Wang L,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2013) Ten new species of the subgenusSteganina(Diptera: Drosophilidae:Stegana) from southern China.Journal of Natural History47(29–30): 1993–2013
26)Huang J, Li T,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2012) The genusLeucophenga(Diptera, Drosophilidae), part II: theornataspecies group from East Asia, with morphological and molecular evidence (I),Zootaxa3701(2): 101–147
27)Li YF, Wen SY, Kuniko K,Gao JJ, Hu YG, Ryoko S, Toda MJ* (2012) DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny ofDrosophila liniand its sibling species.International Journal of Evolutionary BiologyVol. 2012, Article ID 329434, 9 pages
28)Gao JJ* (2011) Description of a new species of theHirtodrosophila limbicostataspecies complex (Diptera, Drosophilidae) breeding onImpatiensL. flowers.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica36(1): 79–84
29)Gao JJ, Pan XR, Hu J. Ma L, Wu JM, Shao YL, Barton SA, Woodruff RC, Zhang YP*, Fu YX* (2011) Highly variable recessive lethal or nearly lethal mutation rates during germ-line development of maleDrosophila melanogaster.PNAS USA(38): 15914–15919
30)Takenaka TK*, Awit S,Gao JJ, Yin JT (2011) Molecular phylogeny of thecristataspecies group of the genusColocasiomyia(Diptera: Drosophilidae).Low Temperature Science69: 19–28
31)Gao JJ*, Hu YG, Toda MJ*, Toru K, Tamura K (2011) Phylogenetic relationships betweenSophophoraandLordiphosa, with proposition of a hypothesis on the vicariant divergences of tropical lineages between the Old and New Worlds in the family Drosophilidae.Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution60: 98–107
32)Cao HL, Wang XL,Gao JJ, Prigent SR, Watabe H, Zhang YP*, Chen HW* (2011) Phylogeny of the African and AsianPhortica(Drosophilidae) deduced from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution61(3): 677–685
33)Wang JQ,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2011)Stegana castaneaspecies group (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from the Oriental region.Journal of Natural History45(9-10): 505–519
34)Lu JM,Gao JJ*, Chen XP, Chen HW* (2011) TheStegana undulataspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Oriental Region, with molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Chinese species.European Journal of Entomology108: 139–152
35)Li T#, Cao HL#,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2010) A revision of the subgenusStegana(s. s.) (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from mainland China.Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society158(4): 726–739
36)Wang JQ,Gao JJ,Chen HW* (2010) Five new species of the subgenusOxyphorticafrom the Oriental region (Diptera: Drosophilidae: Stegana).Annals Zoologici60(4): 565–571
37)Li T,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2010) Six new species of the genusPseudostegana(Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Oriental region.Journal of Natural History44(23-24): 1401–1418
38)Wu L,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2010) TheStegana(Steganina)biprotrusaspecies group from the Oriental Region (Diptera: Drosophilidae).Zootaxa272: 47–54
39)Gao JJ*, Tanabe S, Toda MJ (2009) Discovery of three new species ofDrosophila obscuraspecies group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Mount Kinabalu in Borneo.Entomological Science12(3): 270–283
40)Zhao F#,Gao JJ#, Chen HW* (2009) Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of the AsianParaleucophengaHendel (Diptera, Drosophilidae).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society155(3): 615–629
41)He XF#,Gao JJ#, Cao HL, Zhang XL, Chen HW* (2009) Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of thePhorticahanispecies complex (Diptera: Drosophilidae).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society157(2): 359–372
42)Chen XP,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2009) TheStegana shirozuispecies group (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from East Asia.Journal of Natural History43(31-32): 1909–1927
43)Cheng Yu,Gao JJ, Watabe H, Chen HW* (2008) Revision of the genusPhorticaSchiner 1862 in China (Diptera: Drosophilidae).Zoological Studies47(5): 614–632
44)He LP, Watabe H, Xiang-Yu JG,Gao JJ, Liang XC, Aotsuka T, Zhang YP* (2007) Genetic differentiation and cryptic speciation in natural populations ofDrosophila lacertosa.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution43(1): 24–31
45)Xu MF,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2007)GenusAmiotaLoew (Diptera : Drosophilidae) from the Qinling mountain system, central China.Entomological Science10(1): 65–71
46)Gao JJ, Watabe H, Aotsuka T, Pang JF, Zhang YP* (2007) Molecular phylogeny of the Drosophila obscura species group, with emphasis on the Old World species.BMC Evolutionary Biology2007(7), article #7
47)Xu MF,Gao JJ, Chen HW* (2007) Three new species ofStegana(Oxyphortica) from Yunnan Province, southwestern China (Insecta: Diptera: Drosophilidae).Raffles Bulletin of Zoology55(1): 43–47
48)Wang BC, Park J, Watabe H,Gao JJ, Xiang-Yu JG, Aotsuka T, Chen HW, Zhang YP* (2006) Molecular phylogeny of theDrosophila virilissection (Diptera : Drosophilidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution40(2): 484–500
49)Wang BC, Kanako O, Watabe H,Gao JJ, Zhang YP* (2006) Taxonomic problems in theDrosophila melanicaspecies group (Diptera : Drosophilidae) from southern China, with special reference to karyotypes and reproductive isolation.Zoological Science23(10): 923–927
50)Chen HW*,Gao JJ, Wen SY (2005) Species diversity of the genusPhorticaSchiner in Yunnan, China, with descriptions of nine new species (Diptera, Drosophilidae).Journal of Natural History39(46): 3951–3978
51)Chen HW, Watabe H,Gao JJ, Takamori H, Zhang YP*, Aotsuka T (2005) Species diversity of the subgenusAmiota(s. str.) Loew, 1862 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in southern China.Journal of Natural History39(3): 265–310
52)Chen HW*, Toda MJ,Gao JJ(2005) ThePhortica(S. Str)foliisetaspecies-complex (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from China and its adjacent countries.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica30(2): 419–429
53)Gao JJ, Watabe H*, Zhang YP*, Aotsuka T (2004) Karyotype differentiation in newly discovered members of the Drosophila obscura species group from Yunnan, China.Zoological Research25(3): 236–241
54)Gao JJ, Watabe H, Toda MJ, Zhang YP, Aotsuka T (2003) TheDrosophila obscuraspecies-group (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from Yunnan Province, Southern China.Zoological Science20(6): 773–782